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Legal Question: Admissible Testimony

I lied to my therapist. If I were investigated for a crime—reported by the therapist who never got my signed release—is anything I told her admissible?

First, NEVER NEVER admit to any crime, real or made up for any reason. In this day and age, even made up comments indicating you violated the law will be taken seriously by the authorities.

Second, even though you did not sign papers or have a formal written agreement when you made these comments, when you meet with a therapist, everything you say will still be held in confidence and is NOT subject to disclosure. The only exception is if you say something which indicates you will act violently towards another person in the future or cause harm to someone else. In that case, if the therapist reasonably believes that the harm will happen, under state law, the therapist must disclose the threat only to the extent needed to avoid the threat from being carried out.

Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are issued by judges when a person is wanted by the police for the commission of a…

Alternatives To Jail Time

The Bellingham Municipal Court system has approved the use of home detention and other…